111A. Boppin With Bug Band

Activity Name: Musical Rhyme Time!

In “Boppin’ With the Bug Band”, Frog helps the Bug band use rhyming words with their music. In this lively activity, your child can pair music with rhyming words too!

Related Episode: 111 A. Boppin’ With the Bug Band.
Age Range:

  • Identifying/matching rhyming words.
  • Writing letters.

Subjects: Language, literacy, movement.


  • 10 – 12 sheets of 8-1/2″ x 11″ paper.
  • Crayons.
  • Music.


  1. Explain to your child that when words sound the same at the end, they rhyme.Variation: Listen to several of your child’s favorite songs. (Choose songs that use rhyming words.) Notice the rhyming words and write them down. Explain that many songs do use rhymes, and this makes the songs lots of fun and easy to remember.
  2. Write down pairs of rhyming words on separate sheets of 8-1/2″ x 11″ paper. The letters of the words should be large enough to read from a small distance. You can use rhymes from the episode (e.g. house – mouse, bell – well, bug – jug, etc.). or create your own. Choose simple words that look alike as well as sound alike (e.g. bell – well, stink -think, cat – hat, fish – dish, house – mouse, boat – goat, etc.). Encourage your child to write the words by copying or tracing them.
  3. Invite friends over to play a musical rhyme matching game. Make sure you have enough words for each child.
  4. Place the words face down in a long line. Make sure the rhyming pairs are not next to each other and that the children do not know which word is which.
  5. As you play some of their favorite music, have the children walk around the words, just like in musical chairs.
  6. When the music stops, each child stops and picks up the word closest to them. They should read the word (with adult help if necessary) and find the child with the word that rhymes with their word. Each partnership should read their words to each other to check that they rhyme.
  7. Place the words face down again, mix them up, and play again!

Variation: For younger children, match upper and lowercase letters instead of words.

Take it Further:

  • For stronger readers, you can use words with more syllables, rhyming words that do not look alike, homonyms (words with same spelling or sound, there -their), homophones (words with same pronunciation, eye – I), or antonyms (words with opposite meaning, hot – cold).
  • Play a concentration matching game with the words.
